Red Eyes

Thank you  for your kind words and condolences. My grandmother’s funeral was Tuesday.  I was asked to do the eulogy by my mom and my aunt. In some ways I’ve always known I would be the one to speak for my grandmother. Yet you don’t exactly plan for something like that. I was able to run my words by my coworkers the night before the funeral.

I was nervous, but determined to honor my grandmother in the best way possible. I got up to the podium after communion. I took a deep breath and began. My voice cracked in the beginning and I took another breath. From there on in it was as though Noni grabbed my hand and took all the nerves away. I spoke from my heart. Though I did not intend to make people cry I was later told there wasn’t a dry eye in the church. Noni will be missed, but she will be remembered with smiles and laughter.

As we were getting ready to leave the luncheon to pick up Carlos at school I pulled my phone out of my coat pocket to find 4 missed calls from the school nurse. Ahhhh! I pretty much always have my phone attached to me. The one day I don’t…The nurse called about 10 minutes earlier and was concerned that one of his eyes was red and itchy. No emergency just have it checked out. The next morning both eyes looked red so off to the pediatrician we went. After a day of antibiotic ointment all redness has resolved and it’s back to school tomorrow!

We treated today as a true sick day and stayed in our pajamas all day. I cooked, cleaned, washed all the bedding and we colored and snuggled. In case you want to know it’s 6pm and I’m still in my pajamas! I have to work tonight anyway so I figured I will just shower and get ready before work. I haven’t had one of these days in forever. It felt good to stay home and take my time doing everything.

I was excited to read that the Philadelphia Marathon has opened up 3000 slots via lottery to anyone registered to run the NYC Marathon that was cancelled due to the hurricane. My heart goes out to all the people impacted by the storm as well as those who trained for months to run the marathon.

I am still heading to Philadelphia next weekend though I will be going alone without my cheer leaders this time. Logistically things just didn’t work out to have Carlos and Orlando join me though we are all disappointed. I even toyed with not going, but honestly I need to do this race. So I will be flying to Philly on Saturday, running 26.2 on Sunday morning and returning to Massachusetts Sunday evening. Craziness!!


12 thoughts on “Red Eyes

  1. I am sure your Noni was watching you and feeling very proud!

    Gotta love a true sick day when you’re not super sick. Nothing like a full-PJ wearing day. I wasn’t sick but took one during Superstorm Sandy.

    I’m glad you’re still going to do your race. I know for me, running has helped with grief.

  2. Having a pajama day is the best day – some Saturdays when I don’t leave the house I do the same thing – its more comfy to cook in pajamas and slippers anyway!

    Sending big hugs to you – and so glad you liked the salsa!! I’ll be anxious to hear about your marathon recap!!

  3. You are so busy! Sorry about your grandmother. I felt the same way when it happened to me. However, I look forward to hearing about the marathon. I appreciate the things and people that distract from the hard things in life.

    🙂 Marion

  4. Aimee, I was so tempted to do the Philly marathon (would have been so fun to meet you in person) but opted for one closer to home. I am so happy they were able to accommodate everyone that wanted to run. I did my marathon last weekend with no support too, it is a bummer. Hope you have a great experience and run. Maybe your Noni will get some wind at your back for a little boost. 🙂

    • I like the thought of my Noni being there in spirit. A nice back wind would be greatly appreciated. It would have been great to meet you. I hear there’s a fast flat course in Chicago!! Maybe someday. Will you have the opportunity to run NY next year?

      • Not sure what will happen to my entry or if I want to take on the expense again. We shall see, lots of other races I would like to do. Would love some recommendations out East. My sister is in Hampton NH, we love running races together.

      • I will keep you posted if I hear of anything. I contemplated a couple of races in NH this year so I might have to check into them again for next year.

  5. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know how difficult it can be to give a eulogy at a loved one’s funeral, and it sounds like your words touched many hearts. Enjoy the marathon – it sounds like the perfect thing for you to focus on right now.

  6. It’s so nice that you were able to memorialize her as you did. And I’m so excited for your race. I’ve been in Philly a lot lately for work and there are all kinds of signs hanging in the street about the race. It will be great. And the running I’ve found is therapeutic for grief — a few of my running buddies have lost parents and siblings, and running always seems to help.

    • It would have been great if your trip to Philly coincided with mine. I was checking the marathon website last night and it was exciting to see the updates as the expo opened up. I can’t wait to get there.

  7. I’m sorry to hear about your loss, Aimee! My grandmother died not so long ago and it feel really odd not to have her around anymore. She was my last living grandparent.

    I read an eulogy that was written by my younger sister, because she said she wouldn’t be able to do it. For some reason I grieved more for my grandmother more when she was still alive but at hospital than afterward.

    • Thank you so much Satu. I’m so sorry for your loss as well. I understand what you’re saying about grieving before. My grandmother was sick for over a year. Towards the end I knew we had little time left. I just wanted to be with her as much as I could. I miss her but we have such wonderful memories of her and I know that will be comforting.

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